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Water Filters


Filter Housing  -  Carbon Block  -  NANOFilter

AA Water Filters consist of a reusable Plastic Filter Housing and a separate Filter Candle. When changing the Filter, only the Filter Candle is exchanged. The used Filter Candle can then be disposed of with household waste.


This combination of a reusable Plastic Housing and an environmentally friendly Filter Candle ensure that AA Filters are very “Green”.

We supply two different Filter Candles

  1. Our “Green Filter” consists of a 1micron nominal Carbon Block Candle. Apart from removing the taste and smell of the chlorine in the mains supply, it removes 95% of solids above 1 micron and creates a barrier to Cryptosporidium, Giardia and other Cysts. Carbon Block Filters are the standard Filter in use throughout the industry.
  2. Our new NANOFilter consists of a 0.3micron nano fine woven glass fibre material. It’s Viral and Pharma rating is exceptional. The NANOFilter reduces 99.98% of Cryptosporidium, Giardia Intestinalis and E-coli, whilst at the same time providing protection against Legionella, Pseudonomas, Salmonella, Mycobacteria and Aspergillis.

This makes the NANOFilter ideal for Hospitals, Surgeries, Care Homes and Schools.

In addition the NANOFilter ensures a high flow rate and low risk of blocking, even if the water pressure is low or the water has a high solid content.

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