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AA Water Fountains & Under-Sink Chillers

AA First Water Coolers

Water Fountains &
Under-Sink Chillers

Over 250,000 water coolers sold tells the story of our success

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(Floor Standing)
(Wall Mounted)
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Mains Connected & Drainage
Indoor or
Outdoor Installation
Indoor Only Indoor or Covered Outdoor Indoor Only Indoor Only Indoor Only
Manual Tap/ Hands Free/ Contactless Tap MAN MAN MAN MAN MAN
Floor Standing/ Wall Mounted/ Undersink FS WM FS WM US
Dispensing Height 26cm
(Swan Neck)
38cm 23cm
(Swan Neck)
(Swan Neck)
Drinking Bubbler - -
Water Dispensing
Ambient Chilled
Water Capacity
(Liters per Hours)
26 Ltrs/h Ambient from Mains 30 Ltrs/h 30 Ltrs/h 11.5 Ltrs/h
Dimensions (mm) 1015H 305W 305D 634H 435W 125D 960 x 330 x 330
Bubbler +
505 x 432 x 360
Bubbler +
260H 290W 400D
Description Durable fountain with push button swan neck & bubbler. 26ltr/h capacity below 10˚C from in-fluent water temperature of 20˚C. Our one of a kind bottle filler is the ideal solution for schools, gyms and public spaces, Featuring an extraordinary dispense height, paired with an eco-conscious plastic bottle savings calculator. The River is different to other Ice Bank Fountains. Designed with a sealed Ice Bank which is pre-filled with chilled water which provides 30ltr per hour of consistently chilled water for areas where large volumes are required. The River has a swan neck dispensing height of 23cm which is ideal for filling sports bottles. The sealed Ice Bank has a low draining point. The service engineer has to ensure that the draining point is below the drip tray drain. If it is above, there is a risk that the ice bank steam can be syphoned back into the ice bank. The UC800MC under-sink chiller has an attractive chrome manual swan neck tap.